Privacy Practices

Notice of Privacy Practices

We at Oakview Medical Care Facility are dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of our residents and the confidential information entrusted to us. The commitment of each employee to ensure that health information is never compromised is a principle concept of our service. We may from time to time amend our privacy policies and practices, but will always provide notification of any changes that might affect resident rights.

Oakview’s Notice of Privacy Practices describes the types of uses and disclosures of protected health information that might occur in the treatment, payment of services or in the performance of the facility’s health care operations. It also outlines resident rights and choices, as well as our responsibilities.

If you have any questions concerning the safeguarding of resident protected health information please contact Oakview’s Privacy Officer Deanna Bargert at (231) 845-5185 (x266), or email    
The forms on this website are available are in PDF format and can be viewed by downloading the free Acrobat Reader from the Adobe.comwebsite.